Group psychotherapy
In group therapy, up to ten people meet the therapist.
Group therapies are delivered as combination therapy with individual sessions. Treatment as a combination therapy offers significant advantages over a single treatment. In this way, science-based "group factors" (solidarity, sharing hope, information sharing, learning from each other, enhancing self-esteem, etc.) can support and promote treatment.
Group therapy is just as effective as individual therapy for many conditions, including:
-relationship difficulties
-post traumatic symptoms
A meta-analysis and review of the empirical research:
Current psychotherapy groups
Not every patient is a suitable candidate for every group, so it is important that a psychologist conducts a high-quality screening and preparatory interview with each potential group member before starting a group.
There is now a new recruitment for groups. If you are interested, please contact us -
Anxiety disorders
Skills development group - improving social skills
• Social skills training (communication, elements of assertiveness)
• Improving self-esteem
Personality disorders
Support group - Toxic relationshoips
• A group for people with not safe attachment styles
• A group for people with a broken heart
• Recovering from a toxic relationship
0173 25 89 804
Pestalozzistraße 84, 10627 Berlin